Note: This is a personal message -- not endorsed by the United States Air Force. Captain Deakins understood the explicit requirements -- and met and exceeded them. AIR FORCE PILOT USES THE PLUS LENS TO CLEAR HIS DISTANT VISION FROM 20/50 TO 20/20 From: Captain Fred Deakins To: You who must achieve 20/20. Hello everyone, I'm a new member of this group of pilots and have found your conversations quite interesting. Like most of you, I am a believer in alternatives to the western philosophy of handing out visual crutches to everyone with eyesight / vision problems. Graduating from college, I found that my vision had regressed to a myopic 20/50 due to near-point stress. At the time, I was in the running for a coveted air force pilot slot, but absolutely had to pass the ophthalmology exam with 20/20 uncorrected (this was back in 1996). Through good fortune, I found the concept of plus lens vision restoration and began working feverishly to improve my eyesight. I worked about 1 hour every day, 5 days a week and gave my eyes a rest on Saturday and Sunday. I found that by Friday, my vision was terrible, but come Sunday morning, I had eagle vision without any squinting or straining. I kept to my schedule leading up to my initial military flight physical (4 months later) and read the 20/15 over and over again without even knowing it. Needless to say, my life dream was obtained and I now live in New Jersey flying jets out of McGuire AFB. It worked for me, and I know that it's worked for countless others. Having reset my life goals, I now want to help others who are striving for better vision. I have started a company called America 20/20, and our purpose is to provide first rate instruction and support to those willing to invest time, effort and commitment with the goal of achieving sharp vision without glasses or surgery. [Note: Fred Deakins subsequently disbanded America 20/20 for reasons I am not allowed to talk about. Use your imagination.] I'll warn you, definitely takes work and persistence on your part. Think about it, our vision deteriorates from prolonged stress and strain in the eye...for most of us taking years to develop. Why should we expect to be able to correct our vision naturally literally over night? Believe me, 4 months is a blink of the eye compared to the 6 or 7 years it took me to ruin my vision (no pun intended). I stopped doing these exercises after my flight physical (3 years ago) and still see 20/20 with very little effort (this was impossible for me before doing this). It's true that this method (and others) have failed some people. Those with eye disease excluded, I would be willing to bet that this is because it took too much effort on their part and therefore they decided to give up -- and go with the easy solution...corrective minus lenses or some form of eye surgery. Anyway, I don't usually write long messages, but this is important. I care about each and every one of you who are suffering from any form of disease or accommodative errors of the eye. Best Regards, Captain Fred Deakins, USAF